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« Ten Tools for Network Building | Main | More on Network Building »

November 21, 2005


Ed Vielmetti

Thanks for the comments on generalized reciprocity, a topic I am very interested in. Nancy White pointed me in your direction.

There is some interesting thinking based in study that a perception of a densely linked community of people who all know each other is more likely to engender generalized reciprocity. I've been trading emails with Sheen Levine (a Wharton Ph.D. now in Singapore) on this topic.

There are ways to make the blogosphere feel more dense - a number of bloggers regularly search RSS feeds for mentions of their names, so that they can participate in conversations across multiple locations. (This tactic goes back as far as Usenet's James "kibo" Perry who regularly showed up whenever you mentioned his name.)

Elizabeth Albrycht

I'd love to read that study - can you provide a link to it? Or feel free to email me the information. The concept of density is a very interesting one to me as well. Is it a perception of density that is important (to the blogger, for instance)? Or true density? What about weighting of influence? If there more A-listers for example, does your network feel more dense? Lots to think about here...let's continue the conversation!

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