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« Blogs: Foundational Tools for Network Building | Main | Bush Pardons the Turkeys »

November 21, 2005


Serge Cornelus

Glad your presentation did work in the end, Elizabeth. It was truly interesting, especially to absolute beginners in the blogosphere like myself (but without a doubt also to the attendees with an already advanced knowledge). To all you other people interested in the evolution of participatory media: keep your eye on what Elizabeth has to say (or blog). You will not be disappointed (sorry for putting pressure on you, Elizabeth ;-) ). Btw: it's Artevelde College in Ghent...

Stephen Davies

You're welcome back any time Elizabeth!

I know at least one person who has been converted since the presentations - Gemma, my fellow student who attended the meal, is starting her first blog.

Keep on evangelising! ;)

Marie Lanier

Elizabeth, I enjoyed your emphasis in this post on the networking opportunity in blogging. I am a student at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. As a student, networking is emphasized as being one of the most importnat aspects of PR.

Blogging is a great way for students to be able to network with professionals. It isn't intimidating to ask a question or post a blog, because the professionals don't know who you are. Even if they think your questions are stupid and don't answer, you don't feel embarassed. Instead, you are just irritated they didn't answer. :)

Most PR professionals I have met are extremely willing to take time to help students learn more about PR. Blogging is just an extension of helping others in the field, and can be beneficial by opening up the global realm of opportunities and views.

In your post, you wrote about getting to meet the people that you've been corresponding with for a long time. Well, as you dropped names of people that were at the conference, I realized that because of blogging and networking, I knew who these people were, even though I may not have ever directly contacted them. Such an interesting aspect/effect of blogging!

David Jones

A great philosophical approach to one of the core questions faced by PR practitioners. What do we actually do/accomplish? It became clear to me years ago that what many (not all) of us do in agency life can be accurately described as media relations. While many of carried lofty titles around, our role was simply to get an hourly rate for getting our clients in the media. We are definitely on the cusp of a radical change, where successful communications is not measured in impressions, clippings books and the like, but rather in outcomes that are directly attributable to how well communicators interact with an organization's publics.

Elizabeth Albrycht

Thanks for your comments everyone. I do find that this approach feels less fuzzy to people than "we're going to influence the influencers." I had a couple of people tell me it makes it easier for them to talk to the business execs about implementing these new tools, because many of them are turned off by "blog." And, of course, it encompasses many other tools than just blogs themselves.

Sam Smith

Elizabeth, I'll admit to a certain amount of clockwatching and belly rumbling as the conference rumbled closer and closer to lunch without pause but your presentation sparked the synapses and got me through to the break thinking about how I can get involved in the blogosphere on a number of levels rather than my growling stomach.

I've been quoting your examples all week as I spread the word of blog, hope you don't mind. Would you mind if I linked you once my own site/blog is up and running properly (

Elizabeth Albrycht

Well, I am glad I was able to distract you from your stomach then! And by all means, link away (and ping me once your blog is up so I can go read it). I have tried to group most of my network-related pieces into the Network Building category to make things easier.

Sam Smith

Thanks Elizabeth, will do (link and ping). My personal blog is at for now but I'll let you know when the big project (529) comes online later this month

David Phillips

I am delighted you have returned to talking about the networked society. I have been working on a relationship management programme for a few days and had an opportunity to look at real life for a client in a culture very different to my own (not to mention 27 flying hours away).

The concept of many channel, multitouch relationship building was all the more apparent when we looked at evaluating past and future relationship management.

The ability to provide context relevant networks is rewarding. I find using the social frame approach helpful because it makes one think about the constituency in a more holistic way to target communication, the message and interaction and with greater empathy. It also means that evaluation is more granular and helpful in planning.

What was most revealing was how more powerful face to face meetings are after a broad multitouch communications programme. The impact of such meetings can be dramatically (as in many many times) more affective and brings about very tangible behaviour change.

I know that the psychological evidence is there but real life experience is much more satisfying.

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