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« Transparency and Possibility | Main | Goodwill Online: A Key Factor for Persuasion »

March 24, 2006



Shouldn't that be the job of anyone that's publishing content? Whether it's a journalist or a company that blogs?

Elizabeth Albrycht

Yes, but I think journalists, for example, could play a particularly civic-community role here.

Steffen Büffel

I agree with both of you... Especially journalists that work for a local/ regional newspaper can play an important role in building and nurturing civic communities. And yes, Tac, it schould be anyones job that is publishing content to engange in community managment. The problem seems to be that those peopkle are not prepared to do so... They are not used to their formerly passive audiences to talk back to them with strong and public voices... The industry is changing and gatekeepers have to realize that.

Gary Bourgeault

I'm not so sure the idea of a "community manager" is a good one.

I think the concept of "user-created" content is where things are going, and those creating it do not want to be managed.

Dennis Howlett

Surely the 'engagement' part is a matter of publishing policy and not editorial? The editorial element trips in when thinking about moderation - IMO. What I see happening is a publishing management squeeze where advertisers on the one hand are going direct to the blogger/journo either in comments or over email. Publishing terms are not always clear. I have what I hope is a very clear publishing policy. No profanity, personal attacks, no straying way off topic. Anything else is fine + no filtering.

David Phillips

So, can we drop the word Advertising?

Elizabeth Albrycht

As regard community manager vs. user-created content - if you are going to have an online community of some kind, it does require leadership, rules etc. Otherwise it will likely degenerate into chaos/spam/trolls/flames etc. It is possible that publishers could play that role via their community journalists. It would require new skills and thinking from everyone. The question is, are there new ways for mainstream media to add value in online publishing. Providing community space plus leadership could be one of those ways.

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