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May 19, 2006


David Phillips

Elizabeth, as always provoking, well researched and challenging.

Transposing this thinking from the personal to the organisational is a good mind game. The extent to which the 'real' organisation is disembodied from the 'online' organisation is interesting. Most people know organisations as a cyber organisation. That is what they see from the web site and the aura of digital comment. These are different entities. Then we might see that as for a person, even more so for an organisations the ingress of digital into the real entity. Will this create a convergence of values? If not and to what extent can the corporate entity survive and prosper?

My view is that without convergent values organisations cannot prosper is this also true of individuals?

Bridget Mixson

It was pointed out in this entry that through blogs, wikis, podcasts etc. people can create digital identities. It was also pointed out that certain aspects of ones identity can change in different situations and that these identities are available for all people to see. As a student studying PR I am concerned about sharing my thoughts online. I fear that a future employer may read my posts online and determine that he or she knows who I am/my identity. I fear being judged by the identity I create online. Could anyone offer some suggestions as to what I should do about this concern?


Hi, I am a Public Relations major from the University of Georgia, and I had some comments/questions in regards to your post.

First, for me, I am very leery of actively participating in chat rooms, blogs, etc. because of the threat of misleading virtual identities. I feel as though I will always be one of those people who prefers to communicate face-to-face or via phone when speaking to someone unknown.

While I am a college student who checks her e-mail and facebook 10,000 times a day because the communication is quick and easy, trusting those who I do not know online scares me! While the internet is a useful tool, I feel as though there is too much personal information available.

However, I also understand that the use of blogs and other social media are becoming increasingly important in the PR world. Like David, I fear what future employers may find about me because information on the internet is so easily accessed.

In class the other day, we talked about the use of social media and how recent college graduates are getting jobs because of their experience with blogs. AH! This scares me! While I would say that I am a strong writer and effective communicator, I have very limited experience with tools on the internet/computer. I am not that familiar with blogs, I can't make a website, and I have limited graphics skills.

So, my question is, how vital are these skills to the future of PR? WIll I just have to adapt to the changing techological world?

Now, David, I assume that if you started a blog anonymously and monitored the content, that an employer could not determine who you are. As long as you do not write about the place at which you are working, or give specific details about who you are, I do not see how they could determine your identity...I mean, you can be whoever you want to on the internet, right? (That's the scary part!)

Also, David, after a lecture we had in my class about personal blogs and employers, I think that I may start my own blog (real identity), to share my thoughts about the PR industry, etc., so that future employers CAN search me. Thoughts on that? I think that I would use a blog as my own "PR", as more of a networking technique?


Hey Laura

Thanks for this post about Digital Identity, i am studying this subject for school and this post clarified some things for me



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